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Inviting users

In WhatPulse Professional, Organization admins and owners have the permission to invite users to join their organization. Invitations are extended through the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Users section within the WhatPulse Professional dashboard.
  2. Look for the Invite button and select it.
  3. A pop-up window will appear where you can input the user's email address and assign a role—Owner, Admin, or Member—based on the level of access required for each user.
  4. After filling out the necessary information, click the Create button to send the invitation.
  5. The user will receive an email that contains a button to accept the invitation.
  6. They will be welcomed by a form to create their account, and need to provide a password and their name to do so.

After sending an invitation, you can manage and keep track of your pending invites in the designated tab labeled Pending Invites. In this section, you'll find a list of all invites awaiting acceptance. You can also copy the acceptance link to manually accept the invite, if needed.