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Install the software on macOS

The WhatPulse Professional software for macOS is simple to install. Check out the stop by step instructions below. If you'd like to install WhatPulse using the terminal, check out the last chapter on this page.

Installation steps

  1. Navigate to the Downloads page.
  2. Click the For Intel or For Apple Silicon button, depending on your Macs' architecture.
  3. Open the downloaded whatpulse-mac-latest.dmg file.
  4. Open the installer application.
  5. Click Open on the an app downloaded from the internet macOS warning and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  6. After you complete the installation, enable system permissions:
    1. Click Open Accessibility >> Open Sytem Preference.
    2. In the Security and Privacy window, from the left navigation pane, click Accessibility.
    3. Click the lock icon and enter your system password.
    4. Select the WhatPulse checkbox on the Accessibility panel.
    5. From the left navigation pane, click Input Monitoring, and select the WhatPulse checkbox.
    6. Click the Quit & Reopen button to restart WhatPulse.

After you complete the installation and enable system permissions, you are greeted by the welcome screen. Now, you can enter your organization name or ID.

enter organization name

Activating Computers

By default, computers that have just gotten the software installed will be listed as Pending computers. WhatPulse Professional organization owners and admins can activate computers and link them to a user account. See this article that explains how to activate computers.

Installing via the Terminal

If you prefer to install WhatPulse on macOS using the installer instead of Homebrew, you can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Downloads page.
  2. Click the Download for Mac button.
  3. Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded .dmg file in your Downloads folder or the designated download location.
  4. Double-click on the downloaded .dmg file to open and mount it.
  5. Open Terminal on your macOS. You can find it by going to Spotlight (press Cmd + Space) and typing "Terminal".
  6. In Terminal, run the following command, replacing VERSION with the appropriate version number:
    1. /Volumes/WhatPulse\ VERSION/ --root /Applications/WhatPulse --accept-messages --accept-licenses --confirm-command install
  7. Wait for the installation process to complete. Once finished, you can close Terminal.
  8. Optional: To have this WhatPulse installation automatically activate, create a file called wp-pro-org-id.txt in the root directory (/Applications/WhatPulse/wp-pro-org-id.txt).
    1. The contents of that text file has to contain your organization name or ID.
    2. This will allow the software to be installed fully autonomously, and it will automatically show up in the WhatPulse Professional dashboard as a pending computer.
  9. When WhatPulse starts, it will automatically connect to the WhatPulse Professional dashboard and show up as a pending computer. Check out this article on how to activate the new computer.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed WhatPulse on macOS using the installer.


When you are using remote deployment tools, you can download the latest WhatPulse installer to a central file repository from where the remote computers can retrieve it for their installation.

You can also override default settings (i.e. opening the window on startup) using a file called settings-overrides.ini. Find more details about settings-overrides.ini here.