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Creating users

In WhatPulse Professional, organization admins and owners have the ability to create and invite users to join their organization. Each user typically represents a person and can be associated with one or more computers.

Follow these steps to create your first user:

  1. Navigate to the Users section within the WhatPulse Professional dashboard.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. On the next page, enter the user's email address and assign a role—Owner, Admin, or Member—depending on the level of access required.
    • Toggle Send welcome email to automatically send an invitation to the provided email address, allowing the user to set up their account.
    • Once they have set up their account, they will have access to their statistics dashboard.
  4. After entering the necessary information, click the Create button to create the user and optionally send the invitation email.
  5. The user is now available to activate a computer with.

Video walkthrough