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Profile Statistics Reports

There is currently one place where you can find statistics and reports about your profiles: WhatPulse software. Integration into the web dashboard is coming in the future. The software will show local stats for the computer it's running on, and the dashboard will eventually have all your profiles and stats so you can correlate between multiple computers.


All pages inside the software, with a few exceptions (real-time network chart, reboot calendar), have a profile filter on the top right corner. You can select any profile here and the page will refresh with data from only the selected profile.

  1. Open the WhatPulse app on the page you'd like to filter on your profile, for example the Keyboard Heat map page.
  2. From the top right dropdown labeled as Profile:, select the profile you'd like to filter on.
  3. The data instantly refreshes to show only the selected profiles' stats.

Video length: 1min 1sec